
Elite Cash Game Exploits Includes 25+ Hours of Poker Training

The world’s best poker training site just added another game-changing resource.

The latest addition to the Upswing Poker library comes in the form of a 25-hour course that focuses on exploitative play in poker cash games. Cash game master Uri Peleg joins Upswing’s elite roster of poker coaches as the instructor of the cutting-edge course.

Elite Cash Game Exploits with Uri Peleg” gives cash game players all of the tools they need to develop the exploitative approach Peleg uses to crush some of the world’s toughest poker games. Let’s take a look at what you get when you purchase the Elite Cash Game Exploits course:

Introduction to Exploitative Poker

Peleg introduces his maximally-exploitative approach to poker, addressing the following aspects of the game:

  • The Issues with GTO in Multiway Spots
  • HUDs and Player Statistics
  • Hard vs. Soft Exploits

Preflop Strategy

Some of the topics included in the Preflop portion of the Elite Cash Game Exploits course include:

  • Player Archetypes & Preflop Adjustments
  • Button Stealing
  • 3-betting
  • 4-betting
  • Bonus: Late Position Steal App ($199 value)
  • Bonus: Advanced Preflop Ranges ($299 value)

Postflop Strategy

The 17-part Postflop part of the Elite Cash Game Exploits Course covers:

  • Postflop Exploits
  • Bet Size
  • Continuation Betting
  • Sizing Tells
  • Postflop Player Archetypes
  • Postflop Adjustments After Preflop Exploits

Play & Exploits

The Play & Exploits section features Peleg’s take on Upswing Poker’s Play & Explain Series. Peleg plays online games with some of the world’s toughest players, and takes you through his thought process with each hand.


You’ll get lifetime access to Elite Cash Game Exploits with Uri Peleg for a one-time fee of $999. That price also grants access to a private Facebook group, where Peleg personally answers questions and offers feedback on poker hands.

About Uri Peleg

Peleg was already one of poker’s most accomplished players when solvers began to appear on the poker landscape in the mid-2010s. A master of exploitative play, Peleg experienced a personal breakthrough when he began to experiment with the game theory optimal solutions outputted by solvers.

The strategies crafted by Peleg in the Elite Cash Game Exploits Course come from hours of solver work. Peleg’s current approach to poker is shaped by what he found when he analyzed a solver’s response to his old strategies.

“I was thinking; 80 percent of the guys I’m playing are playing very similar to how I’m playing,” Peleg says. “So my takeaway from looking at the solver solution is not going to be I’m going to play like the solver.”

“I’m going to take the counter to my strategy, and that’s what I want to implement in my game.

About Upswing Poker

Uri Peleg joins a roster of coaches at Upswing Poker that includes some of the world’s best players. From high-stakes tournament crusher Nick Petrangelo, to cash-game specialist Gary “GazzyB123” Blackwood, and Pot-Limit Omaha master Dylan Weisman, Upswing features the best collection of poker instructors in the industry.

Founded in 2016 by poker pros Doug Polk and Ryan Fee, Upswing Poker has earned a reputation as the world’s most comprehensive poker training site.

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